
Opportunity to promote your business.


The Temagami & District Chamber of Commerce has now completed its 2024 membership drive and advertising sales for the 2024 Temagami Visitors Guide. Our memberships are increasing yearly and we are committed to keep growing our membership! Please see below for our highlights from 2023, and also the benefits associated with a Chamber of Commerce membership! If you reach out to the Chamber, you can purchase a membership anytime throughout the year!


2023 Highlights for the Chamber of Commerce

  • We had over 2000 people in the Visitor Centre this summer.
  • Our staff also responded to more than 1500 emails and 300 phone inquiries this year.
  • We had a total of 3000 Visitors Guides printed.
  • Our Visitors Guide was distributed locally and to 30 information centres across Ontario
  • The Wild Game Dinner in November was a success and we are excited to see what 2024 has in store!


Benefits of your membership

  • All members enjoy the added web presence on the Chamber Website, Facebook Page, and Instagram Page.
  • All members have access to the Chamber Perks app
  • All members have a Business Listing featured in the Temagami Visitor Guide.
  • Chamber personnel at the Information Centre answer many calls, respond to several emails & send out information and maps.
  • Opportunity to prominently display on Chamber wall & showcase.
  • Get updates on educational tools and resources to grow and adapt your business to the digital world.
  • Opportunity to promote your business by sending emails to all members.
  • Access to the Chamber Plan insurance package.
  • If you have any business cards, brochures, or pictures we encourage you to send them to our office or drop them off to us as we have displays and we can distribute them.

Your Board of Directors will continue to organize and support local fundraising events which help to promote our community. That said, WE NEED HELP! The Board of Directors is appealing to anyone interested in serving on the Board. If you have a few extra hours once a month and perhaps would like to help out at an event, we want you! Please contact us.

Click the "Apply Now" button below to download a fillable Membership Application PDF!

We look forward to your continuing support,

- The Board of Directors

Want A Membership With Us?

Apply Now

The Chamber is representative of tourism interests and organizations from its entire area. We are proud that Temagami has so much to offer!

Temagami and District Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 57, 6715 Hwy 11 N
Temagami, ON., P0H2H0
Phone: 705-569-3344
Toll Free: 800-661-7609

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